
248 results found - page 1 of 25

    • Enrico Verga   

      Geopolitics and global finance

      Dreams, Money, Blood. Three factors that move the world.

      The book provides a 360-degree overview of the various political, economic and financial events that have marked world history. A useful work for anyone who wants to understand the interests behind the crises and geopolitical tensions that periodically occur.

      The text describes the main hotbeds of crisis in the contemporary world, providing a key to understanding some of the international events of recent years. Verga starts from the assumption that by studying the past and observing the present, certain reference models can be defined that can also be valid for the future.

      In particular, the author delves into the various transformations that have affected the main economic sectors, from raw materials to the media, from technology to logistics, describing the reasons that have caused epochal changes and what the inevitable economic and financial consequences are.

    • Federico Mastellari   

      Cocktails From Around the World

      All the IBA 2023 Official Cocktails and the Great Drinks Excluded

      Edited by Federico Mastellari, this edition has been updated to the official IBA 2023 list, with the most well-known, successful, and appreciated cocktails by the International Bartending Association, but also the great drinks left off the list.

      The book is divided into three sections: the first two sections collect all the information a bartender should know to mix and make a cocktail (spirits and other ingredients, equipment, glasses, cocktail construction techniques and “homemade” preparations from raw materials).

      The third section is the core of the book: a description sheet is given for each cocktail, showing photos of the drink, historical notions, the official IBA 2023 recipe, the recipe with products and balances suggested by the author, the description of the preparation and tips not to be missed, the alcohol content and the flavour.

      The photographs have always been edited by Felix Reed, one of the 200 best advertising photographers in the world.

    • Patrizia Caraveo   

      Space ecology

      From Earth to Moon to Mars

      With orbits increasingly crowded with satellites, debris and space junk, the use of circum-terrestrial space is in danger of becoming the Wild West of the new millennium.

      The overbearing entry of private entrepreneurs into the world of space has multiplied the number of services provided by in-orbit instruments, causing the space economy to grow tumultuously. Orbits are filling up alarmingly, and we are only at the beginning of the proliferation of mega constellations created to provide planet-wide Internet connections. There are no laws to manage the number of satellites in orbit, which are growing at such a dizzying rate that there are fears of real orbital bottlenecks that could cause catastrophic collisions.

      We need to extend the concept of sustainable use to the space around us, but also to the other bodies in the solar system, so as not to repeat the same mistakes we have made on the Earth’s surface. Looking further afield, to the Moon and Mars, human settlements will have to respect the ecosystem of celestial bodies. Particular attention must be paid to the risks of biological pollution. Explorers (both human and robotic) risk transporting terrestrial material. Likewise, our handling of extraterrestrial samples requires well-equipped laboratories and continuous surveillance.

      Ecological consciousness was also born thanks to images of the Earth from space. Thus we have discovered the beauty and fragility of our planet; now it is time to think about a new space ecology.

    • Ezio Guaitamacchi    Leonardo Follieri    Jessica Testa   

      Nice to rock you

      Meetings that made music history

      Nice to Rock You is a book that recounts the fortunate (and often fortuitous) meeting of great protagonists of rock history without whom the music world would have experienced different events.

      Would Elvis Presley have become the King of rock’n’roll without Colonel Parker? Who would John and Paul have been without George Martin? Would Joni Mitchell have been a painter if David Crosby had not discovered her? And what would the music of the Red Hot Chili Peppers have been like without Rick Rubin’s insights?

      "Life, man, is the art of encounter," said Vinicius de Moraes. And the history of twentieth-century music has offered us a wide range of propitious moments in which the destiny of two or more characters has intertwined, giving rise to new, unexpected scenarios that have helped to give a precise direction to the unstoppable and changing flow of history.

      The book, divided into 5 sections, recounts 6 special encounters in different fields, covering curious and often little-known moments, places and circumstances. It is a unique volume in the national and international panorama, embellished by a rich iconographic apparatus and tracks that can be listened to via QR code, almost a soundtrack to the stories themselves.

    • Marco Casario   

      Investing in the short and long term

      How to use quantitative analysis and macroeconomics to beat the markets

      The book describes the quantitative process developed by the author in his decades as both a trader and an investor.

      The author recounts his journey, stumbles and common fears in order to help the reader not to fall into the same mistakes. The aim is to build a data-driven analytical method that eliminates the interference of emotions.

      Casario explains how to use the main economic-financial concepts to build a model that, through technical analysis and the study of price action, allows one to study the performance of different financial markets.

      The book illustrates how to construct a quantitative approach that allows one to define the various macroeconomic regimes and how they affect the performance of the various asset classes, thus providing the investor with the statistical advantage that can enable him to obtain positive returns in the financial markets.

    • Roberto Beccantini   

      Played by God

      Football’s immortal gestures

      A bicycle kick by Gigi Riva, a throw by Platini, a dribble by Messi and so on. There are technical gestures that are worth an entire match: a mixture of technique, instinct and personality that have become the calling card of the world’s greatest football stars. What everyone remembers.

      Roberto Beccantini, in half a century of profession, has seen them all, often from the stands of a stadium around the world. In this book, he recounts them and vivisects them, also through the art of Luca Laurenti’s illustrated stories, widening his gaze to the personalities of the champions that the journalist often met in person and whose behind-the-scenes stories he could not write in an article.

      The book is, at the same time, a history of world football told through the protagonists and a manual of technique, from ball control to shooting, from free kicks to backhands and heels. Gestures that continue to feed the legend of the most beautiful game in the world.

    • Terry Monroe   

      Chromo Cocktail

      Colour Chemistry in Contemporary Mixology

      How do colours affect the creation of a cocktail and how should they be balanced in a glass? In this book, the “spice master bar-lady” explains the secret colour combinations in contemporary mixology.

      Describing a watermelon magenta, a basil green, a lemon yellow, a liquorice black, a strawberry red or a chocolate brown is easy because their names describe the expectations you’ll have when tasting them. However, everyone has their own imagery of a sky blue, therefore the author tries to make it objective by creating a sky-blue cocktail that anyone can recognize.

      Here cocktails are conceived between stills, mortars, scales, stoves, ampoules, decorated vases filled with cardamom, nutmeg, ginger and many other elements of unconventional concoctions. In this manual, the author explains how to make a cocktail starting from the colour taken from natural ingredients and food colourings to create a new drink that can stimulate discerning consumers.

      99 well-known cocktails are present, which have been reinterpreted by the author, complete with photographs and a technical preparation sheet.

    • Lorenzo Colombo    Matteo Miluzio   

      Why does the sky not fall on our heads?

      Questions about the Earth and the sky, the stars and the Universe, seemingly trivial, but the answer is not at all.

      We all had a head full of questions and curiosity as children. As we grow up, many are answered, but some are simply forgotten. For example, how many really know why the sky is blue during the day and black at night? Or why the Earth spins, or why it is colder in the mountains than by the sea?

      Each question is a pretext to make us reflect on what we have always taken for granted but which is not, to look at everyday phenomena with a different, more attentive and aware eye. The answers are designed for an adult audience that has retained the curiosity of children and wants to satisfy it in a serious and mature way.

      The book is structured in a series of self-contained chapters, progressively zooming out from the more human and terrestrial questions to the larger ones about the Universe and the highest systems of reality.

    • Matteo Bortolotti   

      Genius writing

      The power of words to develop your idea machine

      Stop thinking about what to write and start writing to think! Matteo Bortolotti reveals the practical side of writing: a super-power with which to realise ourselves and our goals.

      Artificial intelligence can write anything, but it can never write what you think, feel and really want. After more than twenty years of writing and coaching, the author invites us to rediscover the irreplaceable power of writing ‘for humans’ by demonstrating why we should continue - or begin - to practice it. Writing, in fact, is not just for telling stories: writing is an extension of the mind, a tool with which to imagine and plan one’s life.

      By following the principles of cardiowriting® (mental training with weekly targeted writing exercises) and the five phases of the S.P.A.C.E. method (Save, Plan, Act, Keep and Extract - an innovative organisational structure to manage the creative and informative process) you will learn to organise your projects, improve your mental wellbeing, reconnect with creativity and develop a true mental operating system: an inexhaustible machine of ideas.

      Genius writing is an indispensable resource for professionals and startuppers, students and creatives who want to take back control of their lives.

    • Paolo Mazzarello   

      The unfaithful Darwinist

      Lombroso e l’evoluzione

      A traitorous translation, a capital work in the history of thought and two great scientists: these are the ingredients of Mazzarello’s new book.

      The work in question is Darwin’s Origin of Species. The translation is the French one, published in 1862, by Clémence Royer, a liberal and progressive philosopher, which came into the hands of a young Lombroso, a military doctor about to join the expedition to repress banditry in Calabria.

      In contact with a harsh and savage world, the scientist was among the first - if not the first - to concretely apply Darwin’s theory to the study of nature in Italy. Having become a professor in Pavia and then in Turin, Lombroso never stopped using evolution as a cognitive tool. From a distant source sprang racial hierarchies, populations, abnormal and criminal behaviour, and the mental inferiority of women.

      It is on this basis that Paolo Mazzarello re-reads Lombroso’s anthropological vision, offering an evocative and original interpretation, which also allows him to shed new light on the early spread of Darwinian theories in Europe.